Arrays and Strings.
Array Cheatsheet
Arrays Arrays hold values of the same type at contiguous memory locations. In an array, we're us...
Brute Force
The brute force approach tries every possible combination to check for a solution, without levera...
Two Pointers: Inward Traversal
A pointer is a variable that represents and index or position within a data structure, such as an...
Two Pointers: Unidirectional Traversal
def shift_zeros_to_the_end(nums: List[int])-> None: # The 'left' pointer is used to position ...
Two Pointers: Stage Traversal
Problem: Partition Array by Parity Description: Given an integer array nums, rearrange the ar...
Sliding Window: Fixed
A subset of the Two Pointer Method, but uses left and right pointers to define the bounds of a "w...
Sliding Window: Dynamic
Traversing Array From The Right
Find Last Occurrence of Target in Array Description:Given an integer array nums and an integer...
Sorting The Array
When you receive an unsorted array and decide to sort it before applying the two-pointer techniqu...
Index as a Hash Key
String Cheatsheet
A string is a sequence of characters. Many tips that apply to Arrays also apply to Strings. Time...
Counting Characters in a String
String of unique characters A neat trick to count the characters in a string of unique characte...
String of Unique Characters
Counting characters Often you will need to count the frequency of characters in a string. The m...
An anagram is word switch or word play. It is the result of rearranging the letters of a word or ...
Palindrome A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads ...