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String Cheatsheet

A string is a sequence of characters. Many tips that apply to Arrays also apply to Strings.

Time complexity

A Strings is an array of characters, so the time complexities of basic string operations will closely resemble that of array operations.

Operation Big-O
Access O(1)
Search O(n)
Insert O(n)
Remove O(n)

Operations involving another String

Here we assume the other string is of length m.

Operation Big-O
Find substring O(n.m)
Concatenating strings O(n + m)
Slice O(m)
Split (by token) O(n + m)
Strip (remove leading and trailing whitespaces) O(n)

Things to look out for during interviews

  • Ask about input character set and case sensitivity. 

Corner cases

  • Empty string
  • String with 1 or 2 characters
  • String with repeated characters
  • Strings with only distinct character