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Two Pointers: Inward Traversal

A pointer is a variable that represents and index or position within a data structure, such as an Array or Linked List. With Two pointers we can make comparisons, with a pointer at two different positions, and infer a decision based on that. 


When to use:

  • Data Structure: Linear such as Array, Linked List
  • Sorted Array or Palindrome
  • Result asks for Pair of Values
  • One Result is decided by a Pair of Values

Real-World Example:

  • Garbage Collection Algorithm 
def pair_sum_sorted(nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
  left, right = 0, len(nums)-1
  while left < right:
    sums = nums[left] + nums[right]
    # if the sum is smaller, increment the left pointer, aiming 
    # to increase the sum towards the target value
    if sums < target:
      left += 1
    # if the sum is larger, decrement the right pointer, aiming 
    # to decrease the sum towards the target value
    elif sums > target:
      right -=1
    # If target pair is found return its indices 
      return [left,right]
  return []