Two Pointers: Inward Traversal
A pointer is a variable that represents and index or position within a data structure, such as an Array or Linked List. With Two pointers we can make comparisons, with a pointer at two different positions, and infer a decision based on that.
When to use:
- Data Structure: Linear such as Array, Linked List
- Predictable Dynamics such as Sorted Array or Palindrome
- Result asks for Pair of Values
- One Result is decided by a Pair of Values
Brute Force:
Checking All Possible Pairs using Nested LoopOuter Loop traverses the array for the first element of the pairInner Loop traverses the rest of the array to find second element
Time Complexity is O(n^2) where n is length of the loop ( Two Loops )Does not take account predictable dynamics (sorted)
Real-World Example:
Garbage Collection Algorithm
def pair_sum_sorted(nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
left, right = 0, len(nums)-1
while left < right:
sums = nums[left] + nums[right]
# if the sum is smaller, increment the left pointer, aiming
# to increase the sum towards the target value
if sums < target:
left += 1
# if the sum is larger, decrement the right pointer, aiming
# to decrease the sum towards the target value
elif sums > target:
right -=1
# If target pair is found return its indices
return [left,right]
return []