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There are orderedthree arraysperspectives ofto singleconsider:

Physics andperspective
are an example of 1st-order tensor.

Vectors are membersArrows of objects known as vector spaces. A vector space can be thought of as the entire collection of all possible vectors of a particular length (or dimension). The three-dimensional real-valued vector space, denoted by �3 is often used to represent our real-world notion of three-dimensional space mathematically.

More formally a vector space is an �-dimensional Cartesian product of a set with itself, along with proper definitions on how to add vectors and multiply them with scalar values. If all of the scalarspointing in a vector are real-valued then the notation �∈�� states that the (boldface lowercase) vector value � is a member of the �-dimensional vector space of real numbers, ��.

Sometimes it is necessary to identify the components of a vector explicitly. The �th scalar element of a vector is written as ��. Notice that this is non-bold lowercase since the element is a scalar. An �-dimensional vector itself can be explicitly written using the following notation:


Given that scalars exist to represent values why are vectors necessary? One of the primary use cases for vectors is to represent physical quantities that have both a magnitude and a direction. Scalars are only capable of representing magnitudes.

For instance scalars and vectors encode the difference between the speed of a car and its velocity. The velocity contains not only its speed but also its direction of It is notdefined difficultby to

  1. Length more
  2. physical
  3. Direction
  4. quantities

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Computer characteristicsScience suchPerspective

Vectors gravitationalare an ordered list of numbers 

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Geometric perspective 

The Vector will be rooted at the origin, center of space and electromagneticroot forcesof orall windvectors. velocity.Then add the numbers 

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In machine

learning vectors often represent feature vectors, with their individual components specifying how important a particular feature is. Such features could include relative importance of words in a text document, the intensity of a set of pixels in a two-dimensional image or historical price values for a cross-section of financial instruments.
