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Linear Transformations


IfPrereq knowledge: Basis Vectors

Matrices are essentially transformation of space. 

Lineaer Transformations abide by 2 rules

with the operationgrey preservesgrid vectorbeing additionthe input, and scalarpurple multiplication,grid itas the output. 

Screenshot from 2024-02-02 21-50-08.png


Matrices can beencode viewedgeometric operations such as arotation, linear transformation,reflection and matricestransformation. associatedThus withif sucha operationscollection areof oftenvectors usedrepresents tothe vertices of a three-dimensional geometric model in Computer Aided Design software then multiplying these vectors individually by a pre-defined rotation matrix will output new vectors that represent linearthe transformations.locations of the rotated vertices. This is the basis of modern 3D computer graphics.

Matrix-Matrix Multiplication


To be considered a linear transformation, a matrix operation must satisfy two fundamental properties: additivity and homogeneity.Rotate

AShear linear transformation �:�→� between vector spaces  and  must satisfy the following for all vectors  and  in  and scalars :

  1. Scaling

    Additivity: �(�+�)=�(�)+�(�)

  2. Homogeneity: �(��)=��(�)

Matrix Addition

Matrix-Scalar Addition 


Matrix-Matrix Addition

Matrix Multiplication

Matrix Transpose

Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

Scalar-Matrix Multiplication

Hadamard Product